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Grow & monetize your online brand – in just 4 weeks

Complete Creator is a 4-week long cohort that's taught hundreds of people how to build and leverage a brand on Twitter & Linkedin.

Next cohort starts Aug. 9th!

What our 100+ alumni are saying:

Struggling to grow your audience on sites like Linkedin and Twitter?

  • It's hard to write consistently
  •  Your afraid to put yourself out there
  • You don't always know what to write
  • You're stuck publishing "into the void"
  • Everyone else seems to be going viral
  • Content is there – but the leads aren't

Perhaps you've tried everything...

  • You post every day
  • Sometimes multiple times a day
  • You send connection requests and DMs
  • You spend hours writing the perfect post
  • You've paid to enter an "engagement" group
  • Maybe you've even paid for expensive ghostwriting
And nothing works!

Here's the bad news...

All the tactics you've been told to use by the "branding" and "growth" gurus are actually hindering your growth potential...

Here's the good news...

Complete Creator will boost your audience building and online branding by doing three simple things:

1. Reveal the patterns of audience growth

Complete Creator isn't about "writing for 30 days." Sure, we're going to write, but more importantly, we're going to learn how to write to build our online presence.

2. Use a system to maximize exposure

You fall to the level of your systems. You're going to be given the exact distribution framework out past students have used to generate 100's of millions of views.

3. Interpret the data and double-down

You're only as strong as your data. You'll learn how to find what your audience is telling you what they want – and maximizing it via repurposing content.

Hey – I'm Jon

I'm a full-time creator, freelance writer, and copywriter.

I've had my content viewed over 50,000,000 times by people all across the world. I've leveraged my content into multiple thousand dollar freelance contracts. I've sold my products and courses to over 1,000 people across the globe.

I've made a modest living for myself writing what I love and sharing it with people who care.

But it wasn't always like that...

Just a few short years ago, I found myself struggling to produce a single piece of content. I spent months trying to build an audience through trial-and-error. I experimented with everything (some things I'm too embarrassed to admit).

I went through it all:

  • I became a content mill (and churned out multiple pieces a day)
  • I bought courses and spent thousands and thousands of dollars
  • I jumped from platform to platform thinking that was the problem.

All that struggle led me to reverse-engineer and produce what I present in front of you:

Complete Creator.

I've helped:

Customers served! 0 + Happy students:
Customers served! 0 + Impressions generated:
Customers served! 0 + Followers attracted

And I want to help 100,000 people become their niche's favorite creator.


Complete Creator case study:

7,000 followers from one post

The frameworks and strategies you'll find in Complete Creator are powerful...

Take for instance, Syed here – one of my first (and brightest) students. Before Complete Creator, Syed has been steadily growing his audience.

Shortly after joining, and uncovering the "Hip Hop Content Remixer" Syed posted a thread on Twitter.

Due to the structure, the audience-fit, and the psychology triggers we employed with the hook – I knew this thread in particular was going to be very effective in building his audience.

How effective?

Within 48 hours of posting the thread, we generated:

• 19,000,000 views of content

• 500,000 total engagements


• 7,000 new followers

And the CEO of the company he featured, Canva, retweeted this thread.

We're now working on getting him in touch with the company. 

And the same can happen for you!

Here's how it works

Learn the science of digital writing

At it's core, the Complete Creator teaches you how to build an audience through the power of writing.

Upon entry, you'll immediately join our 4-week program guaranteed to help jumpstart your audience-building efforts.

• Weekly live sessions to learn step-by-step what to write, how to write it, and why you're taking this action.

•  Live Q&A's so you can ask your question and dive deeper into a topic if you're feeling stuck.

• Templates, courses, and guides that you can access on-demand so you're never left guessing what to do.

Stay accountable with a community

Accountability if everything.

When you join the Complete Creator, you'll have a team of creators & coaches, just like you, holding you accountable and helping you "get back on the horse" if you fall off.

This isn't to say we "hold your feet to the fire" either.

We understand that life sometimes comes up. We know the hardest thing is getting back into your groove if you take a day or two off.

Our program is designed to get you back on track (and stay there) if you need us.

Apply what you learn to grow your audience

Most courses give you "theory" and overarching ideas.

The Complete Creator is strategically designed to show you exactly what to do, and then how to do it.

Every week you'll be asked to:

• Collaborate in "breakout rooms" to help move your progress forward.

• "Action blueprints" these are strategic action guides we suggest you take so you can see your progress as it's happening.

• Feedback. We use both real data and coaching to give you a sense of the progress you're making. If you don't have any feedback, you'll never know if you're going anywhere.

Build leverage through networks & partnerships

The top creators have a secret...

They leverage each other's audiences for growth (though they'll never tell you this).

After you join the Complete Creator, you'll get immediate access into the engagement portal where you'll be able to leverage one another's audiences for 3X growth.

Think about it – it's easier to achieve a goal when you're a part of a team, rather than by yourself.

Alex Brogan 

100k Linkedin followers

Complete Creator is practical and tactical... If you're looking to create content online, The Complete Creator is a must.

Here's everything you'll learn

Week 1:

When: August 9th at 9am PST

Digital writing fundamentals & building your creator profile

Our first week is aimed at introducing you to the fundamental concepts of writing for an audience.

Here's a list of some of the topics we'll cover:

• The 4C's of audience-building: This framework outlines how all our content will be crafted.

Your creator statement: The WHAT, WHO, and WHY of your content. The creator statement helps us define this.

• The complete creator profile: During this lesson, we'll outline how to craft a profile that builds an audience like crazy.

Week 2:

When: August 16th at 9am PST

Your complete audience building roadmap

This week, we dive headfirst into accelerated audience-growth.

How do we do this? Here's a look at some of the frameworks we'll be using:

• The Waffle House Marketing Method: We're going to use a tactic that leverage's other people's audiences to build our own (borrowed from a popular restaurant).

• Value-driven content generator: This framework is our way of coming up with loads of niche-related, value-focused content your audience will love.

Week 3:

When: August 23rd at 9am PST

The viral content workshop & repurposing

Audience-building takes time.

But you can 3X that time with viral content. This week (a favorite amongst our past students) is where we dive into viral content. We talk about:

The "Hip Hop" content remixer: this proprietary framework helps us craft content that is (damn-near) guaranteed to go viral. You'll see...

• Content repurposing: When done right, you can double the output of your single piece of content. This might sound confusing – we promise it's not.

Week 4:

When: August 30th at 9am PST

Network leveraging, making our first dollar, & data analysis 

Our closing week, we're going to:

• Make our first dollar online: And it's going to be super simple

• Learn the ultimate DM: Here, we give you a copy & paste framework to reach out to creators and get them to help leverage your content. This is a game changer.

• Data analysis & meaning: Today's writing is all about data. We'll show you how to use the stories your data is telling you to 2X your content output and growth.

• Share our victories with our community.

• Show you how you can carry out your audience building into the future.

Here's what you'll get

Twitter Takeoff

($499 value)

You'll learn to:

  • Write the perfect tweet
  • Predictably craft viral content
  • Engage with value-added comments
  • Get large accounts to re-share your content
  • Craft a profile that convinces people to follow you
  • Write threads that get likes, comments, and retweets
  • Batch your content so you can schedule 100s of tweets

Linkedin Launch

($499 value)

You'll learn to:

  • 10x audience growth using carousels
  • Craft a profile that gets follows (and leads)
  • Batch LinkedIn posts so you can schedule in advance
  • Categorize your niche (and become a thought leader)
  • Write LinkedIn posts that get comments, likes, & shares

365 Days of Content Matrix

($199 value)

To help you:

  • Schedule out a year's worth of content
  • Learn how to find & templatize your own content
  • Write LinkedIn posts that get comments, likes, & shares
  • Get inspiration for your content with countless templates

Accountability Community

($699 value)

So you can:

  • Ask questions if you get stuck
  • Collaborate with other creators
  • Catch up on lessons that you miss
  • Leverage each other's audience for 10X growth

Custom Progress Dashboard:

($299 value)

So you can:

  • Track your progress
  • Stay ahead of what's next
  • Access our knowledge base library
  • Organize the next steps to be taken for growth

Everything that's included

Twitter Takeoff


Linkedin Launch


365 Days of Content Matrix


Custom Dashboard


Complete Creator Community


Total value:


All for the best price on Earth

Live sessions only

Access to 4 weeks of live sessions:

  • 4 weekly live sessions
  • Assigned action steps to stay on track


Best value

Creator Liftoff

Our most popular choice:

  • 4 weekly live sessions
  • Assigned action steps to stay on track
  • Access to the Complete Creator Community
  • Unlimited enrollment in future cohorts
  • Personalized progress-tracking dashboard


Liftoff + Coaching

A hands-on approach to audience-building:

  • Everything in Complete Creator plus:
  • Complete 1-0n-1 coaching ($4,000 value)


And just so we're both on the same page

You are fully protected by our

100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

If you don't get any value from this program we don't want your money.

Upon joining, if you go engage with the course, go through the program, work through the assignments and are unsatisfied in anyway – we'll refund your purchase.

Furthermore, if life catches up with you and you want to join the next cohort to get back on track – no sweat. We'll put you front and center in the next no cohort at no extra charge.

However, we want both of us to be held accountable: 

If you don't show up and do the work – you won't be eligible for the refund.

You're probably asking yourself:

"How is this any different to the other audience building programs I've seen?"

And it's a great question.

Because there are a bunch of audience-building courses out there. How is this one any different?

It's different because while most courses teach you how to build an audience on one platform – the Complete Creator teaches you the fundamentals of audience building at it's core.

You see, Jon created this course having grown his audience to:

• Over 36,000 followers on Twitter (in just 6 short months)

• Over 20 million views of content on Quora.

• And Over 22,000 followers on Medium

This isn't just "platform hacking." What you learn in this cohort, you'll be able to take with you to your job, your personal life, and any other platform you wish to grow in the future.

At it's core, the Complete Creator is about learning how to communicate to a large group of people and inspire them towards action. 

This isn't some "audience course."

This is an education.

"Complete Creator really helped accelerate my audience growth... really because there's so much knowledge inside that helps you systematize how you build your audience... my audience growth has almost doubled..."

At all boils down to this

Here we are...

Let's be honest – you either really love reading incredible copy, or you are still deciding if the Complete Creator is right for you.

I'm only here to tell you the truth.

I want you to ask yourself the most important question you'll ask yourself today,

"Do I need the Complete Creator"?

Here's the answer. Are you ready?

Not really...

I know. That's probably not what you were expecting from someone who's offering it, right? You see, here's the deal. Is the information you need to build the online business of your dreams available for free?

Sure is.

But c'mon...

If information alone was all it took to realize your goals, we'd all be superheroes by this point.

You know damn well that information can only take you so far. Sure, you need to know what to do. But you also need to know how to do it effectively. You need to know how others have done it and replicated the results. Perhaps if you're like me – you need to be held accountable. You need to know if how you've applied the teachings are right. You need to know, before you take action, that all your "ducks are in a row."


That's why this is here.

This is here to rid you of the torment of buying course after course after course only to look back and see you've been walking in place.

This isn't a some course or cohort.

This is a transformation.

I'm not exaggerating either... You're not just going to learn. You're going to be stretched. You're going to be pushed. You're going to be cheered. You're going to have a dedicated team with you, every step of the way, making it damn-near IMPOSSIBLE to fail.

So we've come to the point in our journey where you really have two choices:

1. You do nothing:

You go about on your merry way. It's been great. We've shared some stories. I hope you've learned something. You see this more as a cost rather than an investment. Perhaps that's on me. If that's the case – then I've failed you.

And it's a shame. Because a few hours from now, nothing much will happen. You'll go about your day and come across new things that are trying to steal your attention.

But days will turn into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years and you'll notice something...

You'll notice hundreds of people around you building their audience, monetizing their knowledge, and living their lives on their own terms. That's what's possible in this economy.

And you'll wear the guilt of not taking action like a 50 pound chain around your neck.


2. You invest in yourself and take action:

You silence the objections in your mind (that will always be there, by the way).

You tell yourself "enough is enough." You choose a growth mindset instead of shutting yourself out before you even give yourself a chance.

And you invest in the Complete Creator, right now.

Because you know what?

All the times you "failed" in the past – well... it wasn't your fault.

I'm not kidding...

It's not because your ideas weren't "good enough" or the timing was wrong or you weren't intelligent or any of that. It's because you didn't have the right team, the right community, guiding you, holding your hand, showing you the way.

The people who succeed in this world are the people who take action.

So I only have one question for you...

Are you ready to join us on the other side?

Because we're waiting.

We cannot wait to meet you.

It's impossible to beat this value

Live sessions only

Access to 4 weeks of live sessions:

  • 4 weekly live sessions
  • Assigned action steps to stay on track


Best value

Creator Liftoff

Our most popular choice:

  • 4 weekly live sessions
  • Assigned action steps to stay on track
  • Access to the Complete Creator Community
  • Unlimited enrollment in future cohorts
  • Personalized progress-tracking dashboard


Liftoff + Coaching

A hands-on approach to audience-building:

  • Everything in Complete Creator plus:
  • Complete 1-0n-1 coaching ($4,000 value)


You've got questions.

We've got answers.

Do I have to show up to every live session?

Complete Creator is a LIVE experience.

But we get that due to timezones and certain unexpected events – you might not be able to make every live session. 

Everything is recorded so you can learn the system at your own pace. 

PLUS - you gain access to a custom creator dashboard that holds all the recordings, slides, and bonus courses!

Finally, everyone who joins Complete Creator also gets access to the private community for coaching and support.

So no... you don't need to show up live to get the full benefit.

Wait, how much does this cost?

While some other audience-building courses cost upwards of $1,000 (we've even seen one as high as $7,000)

We're only asking for $799 for the most popular package for this program.

Why? We know what it's like to get an audience off the ground. We know that it takes time, and other responsibilities. We want to make the financial investment as stress-free as possible.

What kind of work is required?

Life calls you in many directions.

For the Complete Creator, we only ask that you show up for 4 live sessions and do the work as directed. The course is designed to be as streamlined as possible. That means, we're only using tactics and strategies that get the most outcome for your output.

No "writing just to write" kind of responsibilities. 

Why do you I even need to build an audience?

Audience-building isn't just so you can have a ton of "followers"

Your audience is your new resume.

Maybe you work at a full-time job you love – amazing! An audience can help you leverage a new promotion.

Maybe you want to join the "creator economy" and work for yourself. Even better. The Complete Creator teaches you everything you need to build your audience.

Will this work for me?

It's the question that's asked the most.

This course is engineered to work for you, no matter your niche, background, or experience-level.

We're blending psychology and proven writing frameworks so you're equipped with the knowledge skills and abilities to build your audience in record time.

Most of our students see considerable results in less than 6 months.

The ones who put in the most work – under 90 days.

What happens after I sign up?

Once you sign up, a number of things will happen:

• First, you will get a registration link so you can attend all the live events

• You will get a welcome link so you can join the Complete Creator Discord Community

• You will get onboarding instructions of what to expect and how to get the most out of the program

• You will get a bonus gift as my personal appreciation for joining (you can only see what it is by signing up!)

Can I get the same results for free elsewhere?


But what does it cost?

You might be able to piece together some frameworks and strategies to get you on track.

But what happens when you fall off? What happens if you do a certain step out of order? What happens when you get stuck? 

The Complete Creator isn't just a "course." We've built in accountabilty and coaching so you stay on track and work towards building your online audience faster than you would if you went on your own.

What if I've never written online before?

Not to worry.

Many of our students are just starting off writing online when they join the program. We're equipping you with all the knowledge you need to go from beginner to massive audience.

We leave no stone unturned.

What if I'm already building an audience?

Good for you – you're probably doing an amazing job.

This program isn't like any other audience-building program you've probably taken in the past, however. Psychology is at the foundation of everything we learn in this program. You're going to understand why and how humans make decisions (that result in building an audience). You can apply these teaching in so many other areas of your life.

Can I afford this?

Honestly, that's a question only you can answer.

In the new digital world where business, commerce, communication, networking, and marketing are all done online – we only have one question...

"Can you afford not to do this?"

What if I'm not too savvy with digital stuff?

Don't worry, we make sign up, attending the sessions, and all the work involved as simple as possible to do.

How long does it take to see results?

The plain and simple truth is: You have to do the work.

That being said, many of our students have see sizable results in their audience-building within the first week.

You get what you put into this.

Essentially, what I am going to learn & do?

You're going to learn everything that's required to build an online audience:

• How to write viral content

• How to attract followers

• How to create an attractive profile

• How to network with like-minded creators

• How to leverage other peoples' audiences

And more...

What if I have more questions?

Simply write to me at:

I can help you answer any other questions!

Grow & monetize your online brand
